Oh, how I feel your pain ...

I'm no istd expert, far from it, but I do believe there's a
way to see the setting.  Maybe some with more expertise in
such matter will chime in (John or Rob seem to have a good
handle on this).

But I also have to laugh a bit at this complaint ... it
seems that many people want the camera to do even the
simplest things for them.  It wasn't that long ago that we
had to remember our setting as nothing appeared in the
viewfinder or in little windows on the camera body.  Then
the viewfinders became cluttered with lots of information,
and now it's expected that small TV screens be included with
the new cameras, where all sorts of information can be
viewed.  I suppose it's progress ...

"keller.schaefer" wrote:
> ...and the text confirms one of the real design flaws that this camera has. The
> set sensitivity is not displayed on the LCD display nor in the finder. As in
> this case, it happened to me several times that I forgot to reset a higher
> sensitivity previously used.
> Sven
> Zitat von Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=007PMT

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