----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shel Belinkoff" 
Subject: Re: istD Comments on Leica Photo.net

> Oh, how I feel your pain ...
> I'm no istd expert, far from it, but I do believe there's a
> way to see the setting.  Maybe some with more expertise in
> such matter will chime in (John or Rob seem to have a good
> handle on this).
> But I also have to laugh a bit at this complaint ... it
> seems that many people want the camera to do even the
> simplest things for them.  It wasn't that long ago that we
> had to remember our setting as nothing appeared in the
> viewfinder or in little windows on the camera body.  Then
> the viewfinders became cluttered with lots of information,
> and now it's expected that small TV screens be included with
> the new cameras, where all sorts of information can be
> viewed.  I suppose it's progress ...

Maybe I just have really low expectations, or perhaps I am easily
impressed, I don't know.
The lack of instant review histograms doesn't bother me.
I've already pushed one button to turn on the stupid little screen,
pushing another seems like a small effort.
Nor does the lack of instantly available ISO.
I can turn a dial as easily as pushing a button.

By the time Pentax had everything possible on the LCD to keep
everyone happy, there would be so much clutter you wouldn't be able
to find what you wanted anyway.
I laugh a lot at this sort of complaint.

William Robb


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