focusing aids?  YOU use focusing aids? ;-)  I always preferred matte screens
in my manual focus bodies.  In the MX I had a matte screen with cross-hairs.
In the LX I had the grid screen (kept those pesky landscapes level and
helped with my crappy composition-abilities).  Split-image thingies never
worked for me.  They always seemed blacked-out and I could never get them to
line up or whatever they were supposed to do.   Therefore, using the D was
like focusing the LX.  It even has those funny bracket-thingies to help line
up compositions.  AF still screws me up (the D is my first-ever AF body) so
I hardly use it.  I'm just so used to manual focus!

Christian Skofteland

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: SMCT 85 struggling on *istD?

> I understood (and recall from looking) that the viewfinders
> on AF cameras don't have focusing aids, like the screens in
> the LX, et al, and therefore aren't as good for manual
> focusing.  Can't recall a single AF viewfinder that had such
> aids.
> Christian wrote:
> >
> > The VF in the ist-D is surprisingly good.  I had an LX before the D and
> > pretty spoiled (by 35mm standards).  Compare the D to the Olympus E-1 or
> > Nikon D-100 and the D is the big winner.
> >
> > With a bright lens like the 85/1.8, it's gotta be operator error because
> > have no problems focusing the D with a 300/4 with a 2x TC...  and my
> > are bad!
> >
> > Christian

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