Hi Cameron,

Comments interspersed:

At 12:50 PM -08003/31/01, Cameron Hood caused thus to appear:
>    I hope that the Pentax people are listening to us. It is really a drag
>to have to wait this long after a product is announced before it even makes
>it onto their websight (North American). 

I suspect Pentax would have liked to wait until the end of the fiscal year to announce 
the MZ-S, but the big shows (photokina and PMA) occur earlier, so they went ahead. 
There's been more info on this camera here on the PDML than could probably be managed 
on the Pentax USA site.

>Also, it would be nice if someone
>from the Corporation would come online with us and tell us what plans they
>have in the works, whether or not there will be a PZ2, and perhaps a new
>flash unit above the current MZ-S unit (which apparently has no bounce
>feature?!!?). What are they thinking about? 

This will never happen. No company (especially the notoriously tight-lipped Pentax) is 
going to go public with detailed plans for far future models. It's like getting on the 
Chevrolet list and saying, "I want to buy a car. Tell me what the models are going to 
be next year and the year after." Companies need to move the product they have NOW.  
Pentax has not even really been showing the MZ-S to many dealers; instead, they've 
been writing business for the equipment they have in the warehouses and can deliver 

You're a semi-professional. Are you going to tell your clients to wait until you offer 
what may be a better photo before hiring you?

>Also, we really need some good
>lenses in between the 85 1.4 and the 200 2.8 that aren't macro, or the
>exorbitantly priced behemoth of a 80 - 200 2.8 ( Even though I am now a
>semi-professional photographer, I still can't justify its price when, for
>about the same money, I could buy a 67II and a nice wide angle lens). How
>about a nice reasonably priced 105, maybe a 135 again, perhaps a 180, or
>better yet, an 80-200 f4! Pentax stufff that is available is getting kind of
>long in the tooth (the current 80-200 variable aperture and the dreaded
>80-320). Comments....

The FA135/2.8 is reportedly a sweet lens. Oddly enough, while I was out today I 
thought a nice 100-105/2.0 would be nice, then came home to see this email. About the 
wonderful FA*80-200/2.8, I have one and it's a phenomenal piece of glass. True, you 
=could= get a 67II and wide angle lens for about the same money, but that's not really 
a fair comparison. They're radically different tools.


Douglas Forrest Brewer
Ashwood Lake Photography
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