Thanks, Marnie,

Like most (all? <g>) of my photos, there are major problems. In this case, it's the exposure. All that bright snow was making things very difficult for me that day, especially since the sun was brilliant.

I've been setting the LX to +1 or +1.5 EV to compensate, but because the sun was in the man's face, it was overexposed quite a bit. What one can see of the woman's face, it's exposed nicely. And their clothes are exposed okay, maybe even underexposed a bit.

What it would have been nice to do would be to use a spotmeter on his face, and let everything go from there. But, even if I had a spotmeter with me, it would hardly have been feasible:

"Okay you nice young couple that I just met for the first time, can I take a photo of your dog? Now, just sit still while I get this meter out. No, no, look natural. Could you keep the dog still?...)

I could normally do a bit of compensation for it myself, manually, but I'm not used to shooting in the snow with the sun that bright - usually when I'm out in the snow the sky is cloudy, and the light more diffuse.

When I got it developed, Robert the lab guy burned the man's and dog's face to darken them a bit, so I can imagine what it would have looked like had that not been done! I went and looked at the print after I posted it, and it really is ~much~ more acceptable - the face is still blown out a bit, but there is much more detail, so it looks better.

But, when all's said and done, I decided that there were enough strong points to make it worth showing, even with that exposure problem. How can one go wrong with a cute fuzzy puppy? <vbg>

Thanks for the comment.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

Subject: Re: PAW #1 - Snow Pup
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 01:03:26 EST

I really like that a lot, frank.

The composition is very good -- focusing attention on the puppy.

Marnie aka Doe Now there are too many paws to keep up with. ;-)

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