
MC> I missed the ealier discussion on this PAW thing - thought it was a pet
MC> photo thread.  But Picture of the week, makes sense and a great idea.

MC> Not shot this week, but I finally got around to scanning it last week -

MC> http://www.markcassino.com/paw/082419_paw.jpg

MC> The Chicago Marina.

MC> Shot with an ME Super and FA 43 f1.8 on Tri-X, developed in Microdol-X
MC> 1:3. The faux-sepia tone is inspired by some 19th century Dutch seascapes
MC> (photos) I saw recently at the Chicago Institute of Art.

MC> Comments (including raspberries) welcome -


I like raspberries... Eating them, that is <g>.

I suppose this shot would make a beautiful 5000 pieces puzzle. Very
tough to assemble though.

I tried shooting Hertzelia Marina (city just north of Tel Aviv) but
couldn't quite get any interesting angles. You seem to have managed
just fine.

I am stealing your idea, Mark... <bg>


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