On 23/2/04, STAN's ULCER disgorged:

>I did just read the User's Manual and found the following:
>"To help awaken the bouquet of Laphroaig whisky and bring 
>out the aromatics, add a few drops of water. Hold your glass 
>towards the light and observe how the water swirls in the 
>golden liquid. Nose the glass deeply for a hint of..."
>So, a few drops of water recommended.

Dahhh. You're all a bunch of wusses. I take a glass, boil the rest of the
water out until there's a skanky crisp lining of essence of Scotch,
collect buckets of the stuff, mash it into shape with a pestle and
mortar, cram it into a syringe and inject straight into the jugular!


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