>In a message dated 2/25/2004 12:51:32 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

>So, Marnie,

>Don't leave us.  In fact, you're not allowed to leave.  Not because I say 
so, but because the PDML gods say so.  You're spiritually a member, 
regardless of whether you have any P****x equipment or not.  Seriously, I 
truly enjoy and appreciate your contributions to the list, and it would be 
ashamed to lose a valuable member.

Thanks, frank. I wasn't totally serious, of course. And I do have one Takumar 
lens which justifies my continued existence on PDML. But I appreciate the 
kinds words -- A LOT. On the other hand,  truthfully, I was feeling a bit 
rejected, if people were going to get all stringent about "rules" about PAWs. Or I 
wouldn't have mentioned it, even jokingly. Even though I haven't posted any yet. 
I plan to, obviously.

It made me feel a bit rejected, because it felt... well... unwelcoming. 

I seriously question that the PDML really wants to create an unwelcoming 
atmosphere. The PUG is different, and I have no problem with that at all. It's 
more official, on a joint web page that takes time and trouble to set up. And it 
is archived, etc., and is viewable by people all over the Net as the Pentax 
Mailing List Gallery. While PAWs appear only on this list and disappear from the 
list quickly. Totally different parameters.


>As for the suggestion that PAWs only be posted on Friday, well, firstly, see 
above re: unmoderated list.  But, I think that if they're limited to Friday, 
there'll be a huge bulge in traffic that day.  Wouldn't it be better to let 
it dribble in during the week, to spread it out?  It would be much less 
obtrusive then, I think.

>As I've said to others off-list, I think that the PAW volume will calm down 
a bit over time.  Firstly, we won't have the big bulge we had over the 
weekend, immediately after the suggestion was made, it will be spread out.  
Secondly, I think it likely that as the novelty wears off, we won't see 
everyone posting every week.

>I think if we give this time, all the kinks will work out.

>I like PAW, and I hope we can keep it going.  Thanks for your indulgence for 
this longish (for me) post.


I agree. Not to mention the fact that For Sale Friday usually occurs on 
Friday (sheesh, wonder why?) and that takes bandwidth on Fridays already.

Now here, frank, I am bouncing ideas off you or just thinking out loud -- 
however, I, personally, think maybe it would be nice if people limited themselves 
to one new photo or two (three max) a week. Simply because there are a lot of 
us, a lot of us would like to look at and/or respond to others' photos, and 
if everyone shares numerous photos under the PAW title, well, then it's a lot 
to look at and respond to. Or attempt to.

People will still share when they have something they really want to share 
without the PAW subject line, anyway. Or they have before.

But since rules are often NOT A GOOD THING, maybe it could be only a general 
suggestion that a PAW actually means only one new photo a week. (Once people 
have gotten past their initial enthusiasm at sharing the photos they haven't 
felt they had a format to share in before -- not "good enough for the PUG" etc.)

In other words, we don't want no steekin rules! 

Again, thanks, frank, I really do appreciate it.

Marnie aka Doe :-)))

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