> Frankly, it seems that there are enough people here who like 
> the concept just the way it is.  

I agree. I think the PAW is great the way it is. It has already allowed
me to display a couple of shots here that I couldn't have posted on the
PUG for one reason or another. We always talk about the gear on this
list, or about technique, but we so rarely discuss the results, or what
moves us to shoot, except for once a month when the PUG comes out. This
is a great way to share our common passion. And I think it's great that
it's drawing some lurkers out into the open.

Quite frankly, the endless talks about gear or cars or what have you can
get tedious, but I don't complain about them because that seems to be
what everyone wants to talk about. Likewise, if a lot of people are into
the PAW and you don't like it, just ignore it.

And I agree with Shel or whoever it was who said that it shouldn't be
restricted to just Pentax gear, since we're not hosting it on
PDML-sanctioned web space. 


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