I prefer the uncropped version. It needs the guy on the left, who is and needs to be facing the other way. That leaves the boy and (his sister?) in their own space but in the context of something else going on that they don't care about. The boy alone is a cute kid. The whole photo is better not because of "framing" but because of the 'tension' created by the one on the left looking out of the frame. If the left side 'frame' was provided by a tree or telephone pole or soccer goal it would not be nearly as effective.



Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Hi Bruce ...

It's one of those likable, "too cute" pics ;-))

The crop is too tight. Loses all context. It becomes just
some happy looking kid staring into space, perhaps a Ritalin
advertisement <LOL> Lose the guy in jeans and keep the
little girl peeking around her daddy's legs. Then you have
a relationship going, and the photo becomes alive. I just
did a real QuikCrop <LOL>, trimmed a bit off the top, too. See what your think:



Bruce Dayton wrote:

I'm a little slow to get my 2nd PAW up.  I was scanning some negatives
and ran across this little slice of life.  It is my son several years
ago.  He was playing at his sister's soccer game and settled in to
enjoy the game.

As to the color-back when I used to shoot Kodak Gold 100 (way to
contrasty and intense), I have scanned this several times with
different programs and played around to reduce the green without
ruining the skin tones and white shirt.

As to the crop - first version is uncropped
I really like this because the framing gives a better feeling about
the surroundings and helps me to better understand the subject.

I have cropped this way:

In this one we can better see his expression but I think it loses

Let me know what you think.



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