On Sat, 06 Mar 2004 06:53:17 -0800, you wrote:

>Your comment below is a little disturbing:
>You say that "most everyone" is a crook.  That implies that
>some are not, yet are so labeled.  You also say that "not
>all have been charged or convicted yet."  Hmmm ... being
>labeled as a crook and not having been charged or convicted
>... that seems outrageous to me, but hell, I'm just a
>tofu-tottin' Berkeley Liberal.

I'm a Berkeley liberal too of a sort, just don't have any tofu in my
bag, as a matter of personal taste, nor rose colored glasses, because
they were ground into dust by jack-booted right-thinking
corporationists about 1969.  

Whew, that was heavy ;-)  Wish I had a camera with me when it
happened...  but no, they probably would have crushed the camera also.

John Mustarde

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