Well, it's nice to know you've made a contribution to
society, John.  That's admirable.

As for your comments about me ... well, you're entitled to
believe what you will.  But maybe I should tell you that for
a while I was homeless, slept in my car, sometimes stayed
with a friend for a night or two, at other times stayed in
abandoned houses, slept in a stable for a few nights, spent
a few nights in jail.  So, if you think that my photography
is some sort of troll, or that I'm trying to be some kind of
snob when I put my thoughts and photographs out there,
you're wildly mistaken.  What you see is, in some very small
way, a part of my life, a part that I'm forever afraid will
reappear, and a part that scares the crap out of me.

And it wasn't drugs, or alcohol, or any such thing that put
me on the streets.  It was a real estate broker for whom I
worked who took off with my commissions one day.  I had a
blossoming career one day, and practically the next day I
was evicted from my apartment. Thank goodness my '64 Buick
was roomy enough to sleep in, thank goodness I had a friend
in the area whom I could sometimes stay with ... but not
much else.

So, if you think I'm trolling, or some kind of
self-righteous snob, so be it.  Frankly, I've learned a long
time ago that I can't please everyone, satisfy everyone's
idea of who and what I should be.

And as for your comment about B&W photography, and darkroom
work, and artsy photo snobbery, well, what can I say ... I'm
a B&W artsy fartsy snob whose work has little value other
than to stroke my own ego.  I often stay up late at night
with a favorite photo taped to the ceiling over my bed.  

Have a good night, John ... a very good night.

shel the snob

John Mustarde wrote:

> Oh, and it's so typical, Shel, for you to think you are the only
> person who ever interacted with a homeless person or has any
> understanding of them.  Just like the B&W film and darkroom and artsy
> photo snobbery.   You take a pic of some poor slob, act as if it were
> art instead of the cheap snapshot it really is, then take snide and
> self-righteous pokes at those who comment on it, no matter what
> leanings their comments.  It's a troll act, pure and simple. There's a
> lot of good in your posts, so I usually brush off that stuff, but you
> are really going too far lately.  Hopefully, this really will be "the
> last one from San Francisco", and least like this.  If no one else
> will call you on it, I will.  I am a Texan at heart, after all.
> --
> John Mustarde
> www.photolin.com

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