----- Original Message ----- 
From: "graywolf"
Subject: Re: ye olde film v D debate, a bit long

> Come on now, Bill. He just did it for 36 lpm. 40 lpm is an overall
> figure. The arial resolution of the lens is much higher, as is the
> resolution. Folks have explained all this on the list over and
over. Still we
> keep getting these outbursts of mumble-jumble. Tom gave the formula
for any
> number of items in the system.
> Overall-res = 1/((1/lens-res) + (1/film-res) +
(1/enlarger-lens-res) +
> (1/elargeing-paper-res) + (1/viewing-loupe-res))

Well, then, here is the math for a quality optical system using a
good quality colour film:


William Robb

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