I'm not a great lens tester - I'm a little weak on the math involved,
and a little lazy when it comes to establishing and following a
rigorous scientific method.  Most of the time I would rather use the
lens as intended and see if it works for me or not.  But I still like
to fiddle with the USAF chart once in awhile, especially to confirm a
really good or really bad lens, or to help sort out the sweet spot of
a lens.

But I have some questions.

First - where can I get a higher resolution chart, rather one that has
been printed better, at a reasonable price? I only have the pdf
version, printed on my inkjet at (I think) 300 dpi.  Most of my lens
tests resolve the tiny Group 2 line pairs, partly due to very long
focal lengths at my standard 4 or 5 meter test subject distance.  But
nothing smaller than Group 2 is resolved on my printed chart, and even
the Group 2 lines are a little ragged and unevenly separated when
viewed under 12x magnification.

Second - when using Rob's spreadsheet (USAF lens target to lpmm.xls),
does one enter the actual focal length or the actual focal length
times the crop factor?  300/2.8 times the 1.5x *istD crop factor makes
a big difference in the lpmm numbers; using the 450mm instead of 300mm
significantly reduces the lpmm number.

Finally - at what resolution do lenses start to look better than
average? Much better than average?  Much worse than average?

John Mustarde

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