William Robb wrote:


Note, if all you want the lens for is shooting resolution charts,
then go hard, and your 100 lp/mm number is probably as good a guess
as any, and film is not the limiting factor, as Tech Pan will resolve
over 200lp/mm at 1000:1.

If you want to know what the lens will really do in a pictorial
situation, toss the USAF chart, it's isn't worth the paper it's
printed on.

The best resolution test I have found is distant tree branches
against the sky on a still day.

William Robb

And examine the negative with a loupe... (A great way to get dissatisfied with your lab's printing work!)

In a use-what-you-have mode, being a city dweller, I shoot a lot of distant telephone and power cables against the sky.
at least with your method, when you're done, you still have some scenery with trees.

keith whaley

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