Dave wrote:

Its just this damn outdoor fill flash thing that I just cannot get my head
wrapped around.

To me shooting out doors in sun and having a flash go off would make it over
exposed. I
have read the
manuals for the cameras and flash,but to me they are vague

This may be oversimplified. Basically to overexpose outdoors your flash
would need to be stronger then the sunlight. If you set your flash for the
same exposure or less then the sunlight on the subject all the fill flash
does is soften (lessen) the shadows. In the case of backlighting, fill flash
lessens the difference between the exposure on the subject and the
background. I have found in direct sunlight using a modest powered flash it
is difficult to so overexpose from the flash as to render the image
un-usable, though you may be able to do it with a big shoe or handlebar
flash. I usually just set my camera at x sync, leave the flash on manual
full power (GN 100 [asa]), and adjust the aperture according to the meter.


Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself.

Hermann Hesse (Demian)

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