graywolf wrote:
> Strange, when I started out you gave me some useful advice.

That was so long ago, it seems.  I'm still writing code in a
similar fashion, which seems to be fine, although there are
new browsers out there and new "compliance" standards.  So I
figure some updating is in order.

> There are all kinds of ways to develop a website from hand coded, to Macromedia
> Dreamweaver and its ilk. I have basically stuck to hand coded, and simple. You
> can go through my pages and see how I have progressed the meanderings subdomain
> is the oldest code

I've seen your setup a couple of times ...
> There is code out there for free to do about anything you might want to do.  The
> most useful to you will probably be automatic thumbnail generation and
> presentation software. 

Not sure exactly what you mean.  Can you provide a name or
two so I can put the suggestion in perspective?

> You will probably want a database of your photos, and an
> online sales service (shopping cart & secure payment software) also. One of the
> most useful tools for maintaining a site is "grep". Grep is a Unix utility
> (versions for windows are available), and it's free, that allows you to do a
> search and replace across a bunch of files. For example if you change your email
> address you can use grep to do a search and replace on every page on your
> website in one operation.
> Hope this answers a few of your questions.

That last part - search and replace - is very helpful. 
Didn't know what it was when someone else used the term. 
Grep sounds like it's worth investigating.  Tks!


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