Hi Bill ...

William Robb wrote:
> First thing, check with your isp and see if they will rent you some
> extra space.

I can get more space from them ... 
> Try to make all the links relative to the root directory, rather than
> server specific. This makes it much easier to write, and makes it
> portable in the event you change servers at some point.

I think that's what I've been doing with the various pages
I've put up over the years.

> Keep the coding as simple as possible, avoid scripts, and if you are
> not sure about browser compatibility, avoid all the fancy stuff.
> I recall a while back you mentioned that a lot of your family/
> correspondees were using older browsers on slow connections. If this
> is still the case, avoid frames, CSS, javascript or any of the fancy
> Flash shite that is all the rage right now.

I like simple ... it's all I know how to write at this
point.  Hate frames, but it's been suggested that CSS
(Cascading Style Sheets?) is a good way to write code.  I do
want to avoid Flash at all costs .... God, do I hate that
crap, especially on slow machines with dial-up connections. 
What exactly is javascript?  I see it all over the place ...
what does it do, what can it do, that makes so many people
use it?


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