graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Dr E D F Williams wrote:
>> When you need to change something on several htm pages;  a link, or the size
>> of a font in the header it's easier if you can do it all at once rather than
>> have to edit each page one at a time
>Use grep. Takes about 2 minutes to do a search and replace across 50 pages.

I often use the free EditPad text editor (Windows only - sorry Cotty!)
for doing my HTML. You can do a single find-and-replace operation across
all open documents - and I've had over 100 open at once on occasion.
If you can't find it on the web you can download it from my web page at

Another way of getting the maintenance advantages of frame navigation
without the drawbacks of frames is with the SHTML "#include virtual"
technique (if your host supports SHTML).

Personally, I prefer to keep the HTML simple and do global find/replace
updates with EditPad or Alaire HomeSite.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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