On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, Mafud wrote:

> I'll help you. I never did, nor have I ever conceptualized a sig file as
> a personal attack on me. Is that clear?
> You, obviously led by your own prejudices, poor reading abilities and
> poor judgement, now falsly and publicly state for a fact that I did.

So... to bring this back on topic, what sort of macro lens do you
recommend for photographing the hairs that you've just split?

Fine, I'll rephrase it for you.  Once upon a time, there was a little sig
file.  It wasn't the most politically neutral or even logically defensible
sig file in the world, but it was a sig file.  It lived under the bridge
at the bottom of an author's email, and it went out to all of his email
recipients here on the PDML.

But there was a grumpy troll who saw the sig file, and he became angry and
lost his temper.  Did he ask the sig file nicely to go away?  No.  Did he
let the sig file know that he didn't agree with its logic?  No.  Instead,
he wrote, "Do you know what they say about you ... They say you are so
full of shit that it's finally overflowed."  He didn't even put an "OT" in
the subject line even though the sig file's post was about Pentax stuff
and his was not.  Don't do that at home, boys and girls.

So, anyway, he responded in a very personal manner by directly attacking
the author of the sig file and saying very naughty things about him.  This
is a Bad Thing.

Now, when you do a Bad Thing, the Good Thing to do is apologize.  But the
mean troll didn't do that.  Instead, he said,

> > Not only did you defend yourself against a sig file that wasn't
> > addressed to you personally, you did so by attacking Colin.
> This is getting too absurd even for me, who even confess Absurdism as
> one of my beliefs in Art, Music, Literature, Philosophy and life in
> general....

Let's look at the facts, boys and girls.

Fact #1.  The sig file was not addressed to Lasse personally, it was sent
to the entire PDML.

Fact #2.  Lasse did not like the sig file, and accused its author of being
"full of shit."

Fact #3.  This was a direct personal attack on the sig file's author.

What part of this is not clear?  If simple logic seems absurd to you, can
you please explain what methodology you're using here?

This whole thing is being blown way out of proportion because you won't
recognize simple facts.  Several PDMLers have taken offence to what you
said, so I ask you again... at what point are you right and the rest of
the PDML wrong?  If you had handled this civilly from the beginning, this
could have gone the other way, and Colin might be apologizing for his sig.
But your response was more offensive than the sig because it was addressed
to one particular list member specifically, so you took the heat.

Personally, I don't like Colin's ex-sig.  I find its logic inexplicable
and its political tone inappropriate for the PDML.  By rights I should be
agreeing with you.  I wound up way to the southwest of Gandhi, after all.
Think about it... if you're alienating the people who should be on your
side, then maybe you didn't do the best job of putting your point across.
Fair enough, it happens to all of us.  I'm sure you're a good guy and I'd
probably get along great with you in person over some beer, but I just
can't justify your overly personal attack on a PDMLer.


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