I would summarize what I have heard so far as follows:
a. many are willing to help out to keep the PUG alive.
b. the notion of a contributor's fee was raised but most do not agree.
c. the notion of a voluntary contribution has been endorsed by many. With maybe an "acknowledgments" page someplace on the site.
d. Jostein has asked 'why all the talk about money anyway - we can keep it free' (my paraphrase, not a direct quote.)

My humble opinion:
a. If there are expenses, all PDML and PUG participants should have an opportunity to contribute a small amount. No one should be required to contribute.
b. It would be good to have a stable, paid ISP with adequate room, ample bandwidth, etc. Free is nice, but a small contribution from a fraction of users would be sufficient to buy adequate service without relying on charity from service providers.


Jostein wrote:

Honestly, folks.

The PUG rose out of the need for a place for PDML members to share pictures with
each other and the world. It was supposed to be free from the beginning; as
free as PDML itself.

While there is no direct connection between the two, the PUG was conceived by
the PDML, and it is on this List most of the communication over the images take
place. The lurkers appreciate the comments they receive just as much as the
rest of us.

The PUG should continue to be free if we can at all keep it that way. If
contributions become necessary, it has to be on a voluntary basis. Anything
else is a commecialising. I am truly surprised and somewhat disappointed that
some people would want that kind of solution.


Quoting Raimo K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

By the amount of mail I think that there are more members than that.
IIRC we have had 500 subscribers at best. Maybe more? Lurkers have to pay if
they want to see the posts.
All the best! Raimo

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