James Adams wrote:
> Surely as a working pro photographer you can write off a new camera or
> lenses against taxes? There must be some sort of allowance!

There is (or at least you get to buy it with pre-tax dollars).  But that
money has to come from somewhere.  If you don't spend it on a new camera
it contributes directly to the bottom line.  For a one-man company that
translates directly to money in your pocket.

The pro has a couple of advantages;  he uses more film per year (so he
gets to the break-even point of film costs vs. digital camera earlier),
and he can buy the camera with pre-tax dollars by charging it as an
expense to the business (which makes the camera perhaps 25% cheaper).

John Francis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Silicon Graphics, Inc.
(650)933-8295                        2011 N. Shoreline Blvd. MS 43U-991
(650)932-0828 (Fax)                  Mountain View, CA   94043-1389
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