John Francis wrote: 
> Tanya wrote:

> > I have decided at this stage to charge au$200 per session . . . 
> > I do not put a "limit" on my shooting time, . . . 
> > In doing it this way, my costs are about au$20 for film, au$90 for
> > processing.  I will make about au$100 per shoot . . .
> Sounds pretty darn cheap to me!  By the time you work out an hourly
> rate (accounting for *all* the time you are there, waiting for kids
> to be ready), and adding processing, preparation and book-keeping time,
> you're probably working at below minimum wage, and with no allowance
> towards the cost of your equipment.
        I had just read Tanya's original post and was about to say
        the same. This sounds almost a give-away. Most destructive
        to gainful employment is the double 6x8 prints. Not only are
        they surely more expensive than 4x6 *PROOFS!* - they are most
        likely sizable enough that enlargment orders will be the exception,
        rather than the rule. In essence, you are giving them full sets
        of final prints at cost. Have double 4x6's and keep one set as
        reference for re-orders and enlargments!  There will likely be but
        a handful which *the client* particularly cares for, so why spend
        all that money for big prints of all frames?

        I only do a little of this sort of "personal" photograhy as there
        are so many low-ball hacks here that all *most* "clients" consider
        is their cost. When I do do this kind of thing, it is usually more 
        for friends, than "Joe Public". My "rule of thumb" is US$50 for a 
        roll of 24 and $75 for 36 - plus film & process costs. I am there to
        do the *photograhy* using whatever the proper lense/technique/film etc
        may be, and deal with the processor. It is up to them to know what 
        they basicly want and be prepared to be photographed without undue
        waste of time. Generally the desired photo can be achieved in one roll
        and rather quickly. If they do want enough things done that time
        involvement overtakes profit - I discuss additional money or other
        benefits for that degree of time involvement. 

        as example: a neighbor lady wanted some shots of her Rottweilers
        a few months ago. I was safely outside the enclosure with my tripod
        and 85,105, 135 & 200mm lenses and the SuperProgram/Winder. Thirty
        minutes later, I was on the way to the processor w/ a check for $50.
        I returned the next day with a set of 4x6's (I put them into one of
        those free WalMart photobooks which I always scoop up from the 2nd 
        hand stores new for cheap ;^) and collected the costs. She was very
        pleased with the shots. A few were blurred from subject motion, the
        majority were quite respectable and four were very good all around.

        Even so - not really "scale wages", at that.  I do have a soft spot
        for people who seek me out and often "overdo it" for what I end up
        with financially, though. I *am guilty* of using up  all my profit
        margin shooting by slides of beautiful Gypsy Dancing Girls when I was 
        covering our local Renaissance (?) Faire last spring and other non-
        business-like practices like low-cost favors to certain artsy-type 
        and dancer friends on low budgets.      !8^D 


        Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast

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