Sadly, this attitude applies no matter what skill you possess. I'm a skilled
and experienced seamstress, but I utterly refuse to sew for other people. I
tried to out of the goodness of my heart for friends, but when I did,
suddenly I was treated as a servant -- they wanted EVERYTHING for free, were
hypercritical of everything I did and were totally ungrateful no matter how
good the finished product was. This goes for my other hobbies, too,
photography included. I believe most people truly don't appreciate things
that don't cost them anything. I say no because I'd rather have them
experience a couple of moments of annoyance with me, than do it and possibly
lose a friendship over it.

> I was asked (didn't offer) some years ago to shoot a wedding for a
> at work. I said I would do it but didn't negotiate a fee because I was
> willing as an amateur to do it at cost.
> I did it and got lots of praise for the results around the office.  Not
> was I even offered the cost of film and processing let alone thanked. My
> view was that a token thanks such as a bottle of Scotch might have been a
> reasonable gesture.
> Peter
> -
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