I did a similar thing for my wife's cousin's marriage.  They asked me to
travel about the ceremony and take what the photogs missed.  The "real"
photogs were a couple of very beautiful women with N****
N-something-or-others and Metz flashes who professed to shoot in a
"photojournalistic" style.  It turns out what they actually produced were
lots of small group shots where the bottom 55% of the frame was taken up
with the people's torsos (hips to heads) and the top 45% was airspace, lots
of shots with random tilts of the frame, and lots of indoor shots with heavy
front strobe and distant backdrops, so that the tuxes faded into the general
blackness of the undrexposed background.  They were NOT pleased.  They
expressed delight with my work ("we should have hired YOU!"), partly because
I treated the opportunity as one to proctice taking interesting,
unconventinal shots that were often directed at areas of the ceremony where
the main action was not.

I resolved to give them enlargements as a wedding gift, and made an album of
4x6 proofs for them to look over, not telling them that any they chose would
be presents (partly as a test, to be honest, since they had made no mention
of paying me for my materials).  I just suggested that they look my copies
over and let me know which ones they wanted me to print for them.  They
said, "Well why not save yourself the trouble and just give us the
negatives?"  I picked my jaw up off the ground and suggested that I wanted
to keep the negs in controlled conditions (a sleeve in a binder in my

They took the proofs, saying they'd get back to me soon, and I haven't heard
from them since.  That was August of 2000.

Live and learn.

Vancouver, Canada

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of aimcompute
Sent: April 11, 2001 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: Fairy pics

Yep 100%.  I shot a wedding for friends and spent upwards of $400 on film
and processing.  They also had a pro wedding photographer. The pro shot the
wedding party and entrance to the church.   I shot the actual ceremony and
the reception (and piggybacked on the pro earlier).

I was extremely happy with the results and was pretty sure they were at
least as good as the pro's proofs, given what I had seen from a former
wedding using the same photog.  The bride & groom loved them.

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