I'm sure there were many very good photos taken at Point Pelee. It's a favorite haunt for some of the country's best nature photographers. Your comments below suggest to me that you've never tried to shoot birds. Unless you're baiting them or in an area where they're used to seeing people, it's extremely difficult without very big glass-- no matter how long you wait. I would never attempt to shoot birds with anything less than a 400mm lens, and I prefer something in the range of 600-1200.
On May 15, 2004, at 2:23 AM, Frantisek Vlcek wrote:

Pac> Anyway it sure was a humbling experience shooting with all that expensive
Pac> glass. I'm not sure it was necessary but I can't say until I get my film back...
Pac> Vic

Humbling? WHY? Was this another of the American photographic gatherings
style "shoot from the asphalt and brag about your er, size" ?

My uncle is a good ornithologist, and trough him I talked to many
other ornithologists, not amateur but scientists. Best bird
photographs are done with very long waiting, not very long lenses.
Careful planning, knowledge of the species ethology. I would BET that
none of the suckers photographing there came home with really great

Best regards,
   Frantisek Vlcek

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