PS> Your comments below suggest to me that you've never tried to shoot
PS> birds. Unless you're baiting them or in an area where they're used to
PS> seeing people, it's extremely difficult without very big glass-- no
PS> matter how long you wait. I would never attempt to shoot birds with
PS> anything less than a 400mm lens, and I prefer something  in the range
PS> of 600-1200.
PS> Paul

Hi Paul,
   have you never constructed hideouts, or blinds, or whatsit called
   in English? For many,many species it works very well. For others, well, big
   glass is of course good. My comment was not directed against those
   using big glass when photographing birds. But if you need to
   photograph something else than just the regular shots, you need
   persistence,persistence,persistence and no amount of big glass will
   help you. What about NG? I do not think their photographers just go
   out into forest with an 5.6/800 lens. My comment was against those
   who thing they get a big lens and can shoot birds. When Vic, by his
   own words, felt 'humbled' (probably not so seriously <g>) by them
   for having 'only' a Pentax with 400 lens.

Best regards,
   Frantisek Vlcek

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