The solution is simply implemented, but eBay would have to WANT to do it.
Feedback should be blind until both buyer's and seller's have lodged it.
When both feedbacks are in they should be locked in and only then revealed.
It wouldn't stop sociopaths from posting unwarranted bad feedbad, but it
would discourage mutual gratification feedbacks or revenge attacks.

Like I said, eBay would have to WANT to do it, but what do they care?  Like
any large business they have become as inert as governmental bureaucracy,
and wouldn't move unless you lit a fire under them.

Anthony Farr

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Antonio Aparicio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Thanks for the info. Sorry to hear about your experiences. I find that
> on the whole eBay is very good but the feedback system needs revising
> as it does not work as intended but rather becomes an excercise in
> mutual back scratching, with neither party willing to leave negative
> feedback when it is due for fear of a negative score in return. I
> myself have been involved in a few transactions where, if I were to be
> honest, I should have left a negative for the seller but refrained from
> doing so for fear of inciting a netative in return - even though it
> would not have been warranted. So its nice to know about the 90 day
> rule - I may well try it out. One question, how do you time the 90
> days? I take it that you count from the moment the auction ends?
> Now that eBay is fast becoming a monopoly for online auctions, I would
> like to see our governments impose some better regulation of how it
> works - to protect both sellers and buyers far better than at present.
> In the UK if they would just implement the Trade Descriptions Act that
> would be a start. As things stand at present eBay just treats disputes
> and their resolution as another income stream - given their massive
> proffits I would like to see them obliged to provide this sort of
> protection as part of the service.
> Anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter.
> Regards,
> Antonio

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