Myself and 19 other guys...


I just went through that. Port 25 was blocked by my firewall was their response (I do not have a firewall). Finally, I got someone who could think for himself. If the problem is our smtp server, you should be able to connect to another one, he said. Gave me the address of their Tennessee mail server. My problem solved, after 4-5 calls and 120 cel-phone minutes, but theirs is not the NC smtp server is still refusing my connection.

Like you, I figure I may just have missed something. A pass through their knowledge base is worthwhile. But 3-4 times? Personally I think the second time around you should be connected to a sys-admin instead of a customer dis-service tech.



I have found over the years, just dealing with technical support people on the phone, for instance, that it is better not to reveal that I sometimes know more than they do (or maybe more than sometimes). I just let them do their memorized spiel. If I don't, if I interrupt with then with intelligent questions, I usually throw them off track (or they can't answer). And sometimes what they have memorized? Sometimes it includes a step that I have overlooked and that turns out to be the problem right there.

Sometimes it's just better to play dumb.

Marnie aka Doe  But hindsight is marvelous.

-- graywolf

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