I still submit that we are at the bottom of the economic cycle. Current sales figures reflect that more than they do competition from digital. Even digital sales would be much higher than they are if it were not for that.


William Robb wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Antonio Aparicio"
Subject: Re: Anyone still using WIndows ME?

Hi Cotty,

I doubt it. There will be an SLR rennaisance at some point no doubt. My
fingers would be crossed for an anniversary LX.

Nikon and Canon have both stated that they are getting out of the film SLR
game entirely. Konica may keep a Minolta film SLR or two around, since they
have a vested interest in film sales.
Or, they may not.

Lord only knows what Leica will do, perhaps put another of those fat German
girls on the block.
Or perhaps not. I recall that the latest fatty from them is some sort of
digital hybrid, that takes film or digital depending on what back is in use.

Kodak film sales are down close to 58% over this time last year, Fuji is not
far behind (PMA numbers, not mine).

Agfa is getting out of film. If they can't sell their film division, I
expect they will just close it.

Noritsu has produced it's last optical printer, I expect Fuji has as well,
and Noritsu is putting no more resources into improving film scanning
technology at the lab level.
The present generation of digital minilabs is about a 2000x3000 pixel 8 bit
per colour channel scan density.
This is as good as it will get for production printing of film.

You go ahead, cross your fingers, hold your breath till you turn blue.
Film is going away, sooner rather than later, most likely.

I think the LX 2000 was the "anniversary LX".
I doubt very much if there will be another high end film SLR from Pentax.
For that matter, I have pretty strong doubts there will be another film SLR
from anyone.

William Robb

-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com/graywolf.html

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