Oh and here comes another one to join the bandwagon! As far as I am aware subscribers to this group can post as many messages to whatever thread I please. Had it not occurred to you that the reason I have made so many posts is because I have been constantly bombarded by messages that I did not feel should be left without reply.

According to you theory would that make say Coty for example and extremely unfriendly person - he seems to have posted more messages than probably anyone.

As to the relevance of OS choices to the Pentax list, clearly it is relevant to discuss these matters in the digital age. Certainly more relevant than the contents of someone's fridge.

On 19 May 2004, at 21:26, alex wetmore wrote:

You have posted 10s or hundreds of messages on a subject which has
nothing to do with what the list exists to discuss.  In my mind
that makes your messages unfriendly.


On Wed, 19 May 2004, Antonio Aparicio wrote:

I may have argued an opinion that has not found widespread approval
here on this list but I believe I have no been unfriendly. You however
seem to have made quite a few unfriendly remarks.

On 19 May 2004, at 18:09, Daniel J. Matyola wrote:

I wish that there was no need for that, but apparently there is. Most
of the unfriendly comments have come from you, and many of the others
are in response to you.
Antonio Aparicio wrote:

I beg your pardon. There was no need for that. I was merely pointing
out to Henri that the main meaning of sub-standard was not as he had

As to this being a friendly group I would beg to differ with that
assertion. There appear to be some very unfriendly people here from
what I have seen.

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