Todd wrote:
> Of course, as photographers we instantly see this kind of stuff, but when
> Joe Sixpack picks up the brochure, does he see it or even care?  

        He may not be aware, I agree - but he can tell the difference
        even if he's unaware that he is doing so.  Succinct, non-jarring
        photos will be absorbed well, whereas mediocre ones will be noticed
        and identified as such - even by Joe Q.  The brochure is the means of
        portraying an establishment's nature and it's state of "classiness",
        for lack of a better word.  It is a "total image" of the establishment,
        often looked through far from the property.  It doesn't cost any
        less to have poor photos printed in your brochure order than it does
        for good ones. The printing costs for large runs tend to minimize
        a $1000 cost differential in image sources.

> The purpose of the brochure is to sell you a hotel room, so does bad photos 
> in the brochure sell less than excellent photos - if it makes no difference
> then why fork out the cash?  

        Because it does!   If they are already decided to use your hotel,
        all is fine - no need for them to even see ad materials! But- when
        approaching your town and leafing through the vast arrays of ads
        and brochures of places to stay when they get there, you want them
        to look at *yours* from the many racked up in competition for their
        eyes!  The "Motel 6 Crowd" will always pick the low-end on arrival

> Keep in mind also a bad picture to us may seem like a really good 
> one to Joe Sixpack and his zoom P&S camera....
        The management must cater to more than Joe Q.  Most of these
        places make a good deal of their income from small conventions, 
        meetings, retreats and the like. It is important to put forth
        a top-notch image to attract these large accounts.

        Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast

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