Apologies Frantisek. Your sig read "fra", which I presumed had been cut short and that your name was Frank. My mistake.


On 14 Jun 2004, at 04:29, frank theriault wrote:

Perhaps if Antonio showed enough respect to actually get the ~name right~ of the person he is responding to, folks around here might show him a bit of respect, too.

Just to set the record straight, Frantisek wrote the intial post, not me. By referring to him as "Frank", I don't know if Antonio thought I was the initial author, or if he's just being "humourous" or simply rude or thoughtless in mis-naming Frantisek.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Trolls & how-to
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 19:09:31 -0400

If you had been around longer you would know how wrong you are. There's no old boy network here. But there is a group of friends who have learned to treat each other with respect. We value that highly and do our best to convince others that it's the best way.

On Jun 13, 2004, at 6:40 PM, Antonio Aparicio wrote:

Frank, withh respect If you killfield Shawn some time ago and have not followed the thread, you cannot realistically have any idea of what you are talking about.

My view on all of this is that there seems to be some form of old boy network on this list, and if you disagree with one of the oldies you get attacked by the others. Things may have got out of hand, and I certainly do not condone hi-jacking peoples ID's, but I think that all those who have participated in the various exchanges need to take responsability for their role - to single out one individual and ban them just seems very wrong. Anyway, thats my .02 pence.


On 14 Jun 2004, at 00:33, Frantisek Vlcek wrote:

I have not been following the thread, having that individual killfiled
already, long time ago. Thus I cannot much tell if the abuse reports are
real, extreme or exagerrated even a little. I am seeing just the
replies and his quoted text, somtimes.

But if anybody feels there is net abuse going on, here is what you can

00) do not reply to the stupid messages. It just fuels the flame war.
See "Godwin's law". Ignoring idiots is the best way to make them shut

0) contact the list owner. I do not know if anybody has been ever
blacklisted from the PDML, as we were lucky we haven't got our share
of trolls.

1) contact him personally. Just look on his website (strip the string
before @ and add "www"), there is contact information.

2) complain to his ISP. You can use WHOIS to find out all sort of
things about him. By this form of abuse, he is certainly breaching
both his ISP and mailservice useragreements, by abusive behaviour on
the net. He could get his account suspended for this.

Just enter the domain name into the below form:

One of the many online whois forms is here http://centralops.net/samples/AutoWhois.vbs.asp

You can see his webhosting service, which might or might not provide
his email address as well. And you can see the other contact
mailaddress. I do not know which one he used to post to PDML.

You can of course do the above points in any order deemed fit.

There are members more knowledgable in using ways of the web than me
who can correct me probably if I got something wrong here.


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