Beats me. Just seems to happen sometimes.


TMP wrote:
Hey graywolf!

That's what I thought it was, but how is it that it only just started
happening now?  I didn't change any settings when I went away or anything...


-----Original Message-----
From: graywolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 15 June 2004 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: List problems

If you are getting every message multiple times it means you are subscribed more than once. Yes, the mailing list deamon should be smart enough to prevent that but does not seem to be. You can unsubscribe a few times then subscribe once. That should do the trick. However you may miss a few messages in the process.

I am getting a few messages, not all, more than once. That probably has to
caused by something else, probably at my ISP's end of things not erasing
messages after I down load them.


TMP wrote:

I am having the same problem, but my biggest concern right now is that I
keep getting every message at least twice, and sometimes three times!  How
could this be?!?  It only started happening in the last day or two...


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter J. Alling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 15 June 2004 3:33 AM
Subject: List problems

Just in case anyone is keeping track, I too seem to have had a number of posts not make it to the list. (Not that that's necessarily a bad thing).


-- graywolf

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