Well, Leica went from the 39mm screw mount to the bayonette M mount on the RF's. Though they produced both for about 10 years. The reflex mount has changed in detail several times.

While Nikon has kept the same basic mount it too has changed in detail, and the newest lenses will not work on old cameras and vis versa.

Minolta used to introduce new cameras so often I got to calling them Cameras de Jur.



Nikon and Leica are the only companies I know of who have maintained
one mount standard in their SLR lines. Minolta, Canon, and Contax switched over to go AF. Pentax switched over to go K-mount (rather
late, considering the age of other bayonet-mount systems), and Olympus
basically threw in the towel and went to 4/3. Of course you'll get fewer features with new and old Nikon gear but they WILL mount (other than a few real oddballs).

-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com/graywolf.html

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