That's appreciated Paul... sincerely.

It also means if my son walked up and saw the warning in a post, he could conclude I was going to, or already had gone and looked. Or my wife, the same thing... or maybe now my son has the idea to go and look.

I'm probably oversimplifying, and among other things realize I am not an island.

Tom C.

From: Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: civil discourse (was Re: PAW: Temptation of Eve, the three shot series)
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 17:39:44 -0400

I have never seen a sexually explicit image posted by a PDML member either on the PUG or elsewhere. The images I posted included nudity, they were not sexually explicit. And of course the PUG doesn't even allow nudity. That's a good thing, because you don't know what you're going to find when you go there. On the other hand, if I post a nude on my own web page and tell people here they can look at it if they choose, that's an entirely different matter. You can still read the PDML in the library and never worry about offending anyone. The images I posted didn't appear on the PDML or the PUG.
On Jul 13, 2004, at 3:53 PM, Jens Bladt wrote:

I second that, Tom.
I would prefer to be able to see PDML stuff on the screen, even if there are
children present, at work, the libraries etc., where I don't want do cause
others to feel embarrassed.
Jens Bladt


-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Tom C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sendt: 13. juli 2004 21:36 Til: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Emne: Re: civil discourse (was Re: PAW: Temptation of Eve, the three shot series)

Many of us, and let me presume all of us, filter out all kinds of things we
don't want to see or hear. My satellite TV controller has plenty of filters
set up.

This constant filtering from all sources becomes exhausting and tiresome. I
personally would prefer that the PDML, and by extension the PUG, does not
become a forum for the display of what some would consider sexually
explicit images, even if there's a warning/disclaimor.

It's as simple as that. I know that's probably too much to ask and that
somone will suggest this a public forum that reflects the disparate views of
it's constituents. Which is true. I still would wish that nudity, whether
considered art by some or pornography by others, does not become a topic of
this list.

Tom C.

From: Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: civil discourse (was Re: PAW: Temptation of Eve, the three
shot series)
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 15:17:08 -0400

On Jul 13, 2004, at 2:29 PM, Bob Blakely wrote:

"Can't we have a forum for discussion about photography where we don't
bombard each other with sexual images? Is that to much to ask?"

We already have that. No one here is bombarded with sexual images. For one,
sex and artful nudity are not the same thing. More importantly, to the best
of my knowledge no one on the forum has ever referenced a nude without
indicating that viewer discretion is advised. If you choose of our own free
well to view the piece, that certainly doesn't constitute bombardment.

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