Ok, so I have been completely bombarded with off-list emails.  I thank you
all so much for your amazing words of support and love.  I really don't want
to air any more of my private life on list as it is about as far off topic
as it could possibly be, and besides, it is a private matter, and saying
this stuff here is about as public as it could get! I really don't want to
be the centre of the first PDML Gossip Circle!

However, please know that this whole situation has not come as a surprise to
me - in fact, it has been carefully considered and has been "on the cards"
for a good year or two now.

Also, please know that I am doing this primarily for my children, and the
life that it could give to them in the future, and of course, to a lesser
extent, to me as well.

Lastly, I won't be leaving for DC for another year, so I am not up and
making any rash, or unthought-out decisions here.  I have a very thoughtful
person that is helping me to pursue this and all will be done as safely and
securely as possible, with my kids happiness and continuing relationship
with their Dad, being the main focus.

Thanks again to everyone for your wonderful support, things have been very
tough for me lately, and it is lovely to feel as though I have some sort of
"family" here that I can rely on to make me smile (and often laugh myself
silly), just when I need it!  You guys, and also other, off-list friends,
have really helped me to keep my true fairygirl-esque about me!

And Frank, with all that winking, I promise you that you wouldn't be the one
I'd be calling on! ha! ;-)  (there's a wink back for you!)

Now, lets change the subject, shall we?!?

Isn't it lovely weather we've been having.........


Frank the winker with a fetish for weird ear wearing wrote:

We're all in your corner, so if you need any help,
call Cotty, tv, Jostein, anyone but me <joking,
joking, joking!!!>

(again, seriously)hang in there,

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds.  The pessimist
fears it is true."  -J. Robert Oppenheimer

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