I was trying to decide whether to get that book or the one for Elements.
I have both softwares but considered the full version way over my head.
Maybe not.

Don (Old Dog)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 9:04 PM
> Subject: Re: 35mm Scanning Prices?
> "Don Sanderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >The "history brush" is not a term I'm familiar with, neither is "USM".
> >Could someone explain a bit.
> Pick up a copy of "Photoshop for Photographers" by Martin Evening. It is
> what it says it is and it's superb.
> USM is short for "unsharp masking", which is an old black & white
> darkroom technique for enhancing accutance. Photoshop can simulate it
> digitally with an amazing amount of finesse and control.
> The history brush is more difficult to explain. It's a way of
> transforming select bits of an image to a state they had earlier (or
> later, if you're viewing an earlier stage). As I said, it's difficult to
> explain! Get the book :)
> -- 
> Mark Roberts
> Photography and writing
> www.robertstech.com

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