Tanja said: 
> Actually, ERN, that's not exactly true, the fill flash function, and the
> "recipes", and quite a number of other features (mainly "shortcut" type
> stuff, and fun things like borders etc) are not available in CS or any other
> version except for Elements, to my knowledge.
> Feel free, anyone to correct me if I am wrong, cause I do miss some of those
> fun things from Elements that I don't have in CS (although, if I wasn't so
> lazy, I am sure that I could design some actions for most of them anyways).

replying to my:
> Well, everything in Elements is also in the full version, right; while the
> reverse is not true -- so a book on the whole thing should surely cover
> everything in Elements.

Well, I was just speculating.
Thanks for the correction.


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