I took that thread as Pentax digi vs Penatx film.
A decision I've been struggling with.
Learned a very great deal from it.
Sticking with film. (For now)


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 7:14 PM
> Subject: Digital vs Film
> Oh that Film vs Digital thread was so much fun, why don't we 
> start it again, but this time do digital vs film.
> The noise to signal ratio on this list is getting terrible.  
> Ultimately, I don't give a rats ass about digital, I'm not 
> worried about film until they stop processing mine, and you can 
> pry my Pentax lenses from my cold dead hands when I can't use 
> them anymore.
> Until that time, let's talk about pictures and Pentax equipment.  
> Let's take pictures with Pentax equipment (or otherwise) and 
> discuss them.  Let's quit speculating about how "the sky is falling".
> Regards,  Bob S.

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