--- Chris Stoddart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes! I think this is pretty likely. Here in the UK
> mobile phones went
> through a huge expansion as everyone had to get one.
> Shares went up,
> people got rich. Somehow it came as a huge shock to
> the phone companies
> when saturation was reached and their infinite sales
> predictions just
> died. Now the high street phone shops have halved in
> number - still too
> many of them selling the flashing light add-ons
> though :-)

Interesting analogy!  What are phones doing to keep
people buying?  Becoming impossibly small, and
overladen with useless features.  But, I guess if
you're 16, and everyone else in school has a postage
stamp sized phone that has a video camera and plays
300 different games, and sends text messages, you've
got to have one too, right?

Judging by what you're saying, even this overkill
useless technology isn't making enough people buy
phones to keep a lot of businesses afloat.  At some
point, folks were bound to say, "I don't want my phone
to get smaller, I don't need more features, I just
need to call the spouse on the way home to see if we
need a bag of potatoes, dammit!"

Same thing with cameras, I guess.  There are only so
many things you can do to make people think they'll be
able to take better pictures, and they get wise, eh? 
Focus, Shutter Speed and Aperture.  That's all you
need to adjust to get a photo, right?


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