I can't argue with that logic... and I'm hoping that the move to a manual system will encourage/force me to become more deliberate in my approach, as well as produce better images.

Tom C.

From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Film vs Digita, was: lRe: Pentax is Dying?
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 17:13:19 -0600

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom C" Subject: Re: Film vs Digita, was: lRe: Pentax is Dying?

> Not trying to be alarmist... it's just that *if* film dies out quickly, I > will have wished I spent that money elsewhere... and once one shoots MF one > needs an MF scanner. > > Keep encouraging me though because I'm still looking for a good excuse to > buy one.

The longer you wait, the less likely you will be to get one.
I have been arguing a numbers game for some time now. Numbers mean
More people shooting the stuff means more demand meand continued
Besides, even if the thing can't be fed in five years, you will still
have 5 years of pleasurable use.
OTOH, wait a year, and them you will only get 4 years use.
The time to buy is NOW.

William Robb

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