For the greatest bulk of we so-called "photographers" it really doesn't matter.
When was the last time you looked at an 11x14" print from one of your film images?
Now, YOU may have, but I'm trying to speak to the 'common man' photog among us.
I certainly haven't!
When was the last time you took the largest print you made or had made from a film exposure, and cpmpared it to whatever digital exposure you had blown up to the same size?
Uh huh. Well, I haven't either...

Remember, I'm not talking about pros here...

I've had some relatively interesting shots blown up, both film and digital, and was quite well pleased with the results.
To me, enlargements always seem better! Always! Maybe it's my eyes...

Do I look at either or both like if I find one single flaw, that camera/lens/technique is doomed forever?
Heck no!
Have I been impressed with my 5 MP images? I hope to tell you I have!! Happy with it? Of course I am. Wonderful little camera!

Can I say whatever _film_ I've exposed and had printed is orders of magnitude better, more clear, sharper, better looking than my digital photos? No. Plain and simple... no.

Well then, how about which one is "better" than the other?

With the better 5 MP cameras and the decent film and lenses from Pentax, for me it's a push.
That's with 35mm.
I haven't shot 120 or 6x6cm for so long, it's not in the running at the moment.

But, all that having been said, I don't plan to get rid of all my film cameras anytime in the foreseeable future! I love 'em both, I'll keep the best of the lot and be very happy!

keith whaley

Tom Reese wrote:

William Robb wrote:

"My fear is that there won't be enough film users to keep that segment
viable, or sufficiently viable to make it worthwhile to continue
making the stuff in a short period of time.
How long off that time is? I certainly can't say for sure, but I am
afraid it may be closer than anyone cares to think about."

I think it will be when digital cameras can produce a sharper picture than
film can. I'll switch when digital offers a clearly better picture at a
decent price. That may not be too far off. It may take a while. We'll see.

Tom Reese

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