As opposed to assholes with macros taking closeups of bugs and flowers with
(D)SLR's that only show a portion of the frame?

And one guy from Magnum, expressing a personal opinion, now gives rise to a
generalization of the man's character?  Most people, especially successful
and creative people, have detractors.  To bring such a comment into a
conversation such as this - a conversation about a man's work and
creativity - tells more about you than HCB. Speak of what you know, of your
experiences, rather than spread tales told by unnamed characters. 

Shel .... thinking this thread is starting to deteriorate and apologizing
for any small contribution to such deteriorization.

> [Original Message]
> From: Frantisek Vlcek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Sad thing. It's more about him than his photographs. Everybody knows
> HCB and every aspiring "street shooter" (what usually amounts to
> stupid guys shooting completely mundane and boring street scenes)
> swears by his name, but few actually know his photography that well.
> The idiots who worship him diminish his photographic excellency, as
> they make him not into a photographer but into an icon. An icon so
> famous that in a little bit of time, everybody will know HCB but
> nobody will know his photographs. Just like your average person knows
> e.g. Dostoevski but has never read anything by him.
> To break this a bit, I have it personally from one Magnum guy I met on
> one assignent that HCB is (now was) a really annoying old fart ;)

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