Here's another post that got responded to before mine got there!

I clean the EC control on ALL "M" series cameras that hve one.
The problem is hardly anyone uses it and the first time you do all the years
of accumulated gunk gets broken loose and causes trouble.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon M [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 1:16 PM
> Subject: RE: LX vs K2dmd vs Super Program (the verdict)
> Yes, I realized after sending the message that y'all
> might not remember my discussion about a week ago
> about buying the LX.
> Now that you mention it, the exposure compensation
> knob sounds like a likely culprit. I'll mess with that
> a bit, see if it triggers and/or fixes the problem.
> On a side note, I really like how the LX handles. Fits
> my hands well, tho I probably ought to get a grip for
> it.
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