Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Toralf Lund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 23. august 2004 22:46
Emne: Re: "C41" B&W film

Steve Jolly wrote:

> Toralf Lund wrote:
>> Another slightly OT question:
> Whoa, questions about photography are OT now? ;-)

It may well be an urban legend, but some people say that there are 
straaange equipment out there that uses this medium known as "film", yet 
is in no way related to Pentax...

>> Does anyone here have any experience with C41 process B&W film?
> A fair bit.  It's an odd beast - the exposure latitude is *extremely* 
> wide, which leads to low contrast negatives that some labs have 
> difficulty printing.  A more attractive consequence is that you can 
> expose the film at anything between one stop pulled and two stops 
> pushed with negligible effects on the contrast, and with no change to 
> the development time.  This means that (a) you don't have to tell the 
> lab that you want the film pushed or pulled (which you can't really do 
> with C41 anyway) and (b) you can change the film speed mid-film on a 
> whim. There's a small change in graininess.
> Anyways, I suggest you shoot off a roll and see how you like it. :-)

Yeah. I guess I'll do just that.

> S

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