Actually most filters ARE COATED, even the cheap ones, just not
(Hoya still makes some REALLY CHEAP uncoated ones though).
The difference between single coated and multicoated filters
is extremely slight as with only two air-glass interfaces, the
single coated filters have only approx 2% loss/reflection which
is going to be invisible most of the time. I would avoid the uncoated
ones but I am telling you they are very rare.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: Huge price differences for photo equipment (Was" polarizer"

> I paid ca. $30 for my new 58mm Hoya circular polarizer at MediaMarkt.

Uncoated?  HMC?  S-HMC?  That makes a big difference to the price.

I'm happy with the performance of my SMC lenses.  I don't see the point
of wasting most of that benefit by putting uncoated glass
at the first interface to the outside world.   It's the old, old
argument - why bother to buy an expensive lens if you're only going to
stick a cheap filter on the front of it?  I probably wouldn't pay $100
for a filter if it were only going on a $100 lens, but my FA 28-105 also
takes the standard 58mm filter size.

And, unfortunately, it's mostly the cheap uncoated filters that show up
at the second-hand sales.

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