----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. C. O'Connell"
Subject: RE: Large Format vs. Digital/Stitching

> I have taken many that couldn't be done that
> way. I like seascapes. I wait till the boats
> are in right position for the shot and then
> fire a SNGLE exposure at the right moment.
> Impossible with pan and stitching for the large
> boats because they are moving objects but not
> moving fast enuff to be capture with LF.

I don't think anyone has said digital stitching is the be all and end
all or a total replacement for the large format.
What people are objecting to is your obdurate insistance that the
technique is flawed beyond usability when the facts are plain that it
does work for many picture taking situations.

I look back on all of my large format stuff, I suspect that well in
excess of 2/3s could have been done via digital stitching (other than
my rather dated love for black and white film and darkroom work
getting in the way).

William Robb

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