I have taken many that couldn't be done that
way. I like seascapes. I wait till the boats
are in right position for the shot and then
fire a SNGLE exposure at the right moment.
Impossible with pan and stitching for the large
boats because they are moving objects but not
moving fast enuff to be capture with LF.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gonz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: Large Format vs. Digital/Stitching

> On 22 Sep 2004 at 10:12, J. C. O'Connell wrote:
>>PLANE OF FOCUS is not a geometry issue
>>and cant be corrected in software. Even
>>with the lens rotating on nodal point
>>you are going get to a curved or spherical
>>plane of focus with a shooting using a panning technique.
> Well then you better just notify everyone successfully using these 
> techniques
> that it can't be done. :-)

Exactly, I have seen many examples that would not be able to be 
duplicated in a single LF frame (the Gpixel example being one).   And 
have yet to SEE an example of something taken in LF that could not be 
duplicated with this technique, if not at least closely aproximated. 
Some people will not be happy even if there is only a .00001% chance 
that something might not be possible with a new technology.  Half empty 
view if you ask me.

> It might be wise to accept that it's a new technique, it works and 
> that it's
> opened up a lot of new photographic avenues to a whole bunch of
> who wouldn't have dreamt of ever shooting LF.
> Rob Studdert
> Tel +61-2-9554-4110
> UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
> http://members.ozemail.com.au/~distudio/publications/
> Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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