Like I said in my last post, there is nothing esoteric
about single exposures or the ability to compose and
see what your photograph is going to look like before
you take it. There is nothing esoteric about a subject
in or out of focus. I have a lot of experience with
LF cameras and know what they can do. This "pan and
stitch" technique might work for some things but it
certainly does not have the versatility of a LF camera.
It's better than nothing if all you have is a single
low res camera but to those of you who are excited about
higher resolution photography I suggest you investigate
"normal" LF photography before you decide that "pan and
stitch" is anywhere near as good as normal LF.


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Matyola [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 10:07 PM
Subject: RE: Large Format vs. Digital/Stitching

I have been following this thread with some interest, but it has become
exceedingly tiresome.  Too many of you are witing about actual
experience, rather than esoteric theory.  It appears that Mr. O'Connell
is right, and the rest of you guys are full of crap.  I know that
because he tells us so, over and over.  To save the waste of bandwidth,
I suggest that everyone else shut up and left Mr. O'Connell do all the
talking (which wouldn't be much of a change in any event).  Then we can
all read and learn from the master, and once a week or so tell him how
wonderful he is and how gratefull we all are to be his pupils. 

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